Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mars in our midst

Of white tones,
(though ravished
by its darkness)
a brimful

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Utilitza la llengua

on the wall, Gracia, Barcelona

Thus ends Chutes Too Narrow

Those to come

Eyeless in the morning sun you were

pale and mild, a modern girl
taken with thought, still prone to care
makin tea in your underwear
you went out in the yard to find

something to eat and clear your mind
something bad inside me went away

quaking leaves and broken light
shifting skin the coming night
the bearers of all good things arrive
climb inside us, twist and cry
a kiss on your molten eyes

myriad lives like blades of grass
yet to be realized, bow as they pass

they are cold,
waiting in the ether,
to form,
only to die

they'll end,
and strangely

The Shins

Oh, boy

'Give me the world if Thou wilt, but grant me an asylum for my affections.'


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Where we cross

We meet at a myriad sparkling points
I see them fading, remaining few
You see(m) them lighting, becoming more.

And has I go blind, haunted only
by the memory of light

You go forth, maddened much
by possibilities, close and remote.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Rules of Engagement

I live my life according to poker rules.

You mean, You bluff?

On occasion,
but mostly I pay to see.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Jusqu'ici tout va bien

L'important c'est pas la chute. C'est l'atterrisage.

So, Fall.

and keep falling.

Friday, February 17, 2006

A problem

The problem of carrying the past with us
that each day the past is more
and much less of everything else

And though the present is always the same
(one can never have more present than it has)
It weighs on us,

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Tribute to Ennis and Jack

Man, plus Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W1, plus Adobe Photo Shop, light and sharpening effects

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Saturn revered

We are the sons of Saturn
And though the day is long
and trying
We shall be here tomorrow.

But if we are not
Know that
We do not resent it.

Monday, February 6, 2006


I can not see the middle of.

The Libertine

Against Constancy

Tell me no more of constancy,
The frivolous pretense
Of old age, narrow jealousy,
Disease, and want of sense.

Let duller fools on whom kind chance
Some easy heart has thrown,
Despairing higher to advance,
Be kind to one alone.

Old men and weak, whose idle flame,
Their own defects discovers,
Since changing can but spread their shame,
Ought to be constant lovers,

But we, whose hearts do justly swell
With no vainglorious pride,
Who know how we in love excel,
Long to be often tried.

Then bring my bath and strew my bed,
As each kind night returns:
I'll change a mistress till I'm dead,
And fate change me for worms.

John Wilmot

Jefferson on my mind

Washington, U.S. of A.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Reverse. Psychology.

Invite me out to dinner and I'll tell you all about you.