Tuesday, June 24, 2008


a much needed word
if one is to say
anything about the world.

Grey is the colour

Crystal Palace Gardens, Porto, Portugal

Monday, June 9, 2008

Death comes to us all

Death comes to you
But mainly not for you

Would that be not the case
And it would be easier:
one can always dance with death
when it comes for us

But when it slights you only
Striking those around you
Those whom you did not yet
learn to lose
Such rage can only be seasoned with tears
And truly, such lesson hardly learnt.

But you know you're only fooling
your depths of darkness and anguish

One day It will come for you
And not only to you.

Pray rage has then given place
To something else

For it would be shameful
To leave life in (such) anger.

Saturday, June 7, 2008